【歷史沙龍】 華僑商人:胡文虎的香港足跡與虎豹別墅的光與影
陳雋琦 x 郭浩忠 

日期:2024年10月26日 (星期六
地點:Auditorium, Royal Photographic Society, 337 Paintworks, Bristol, BS4 3AR






展覽導賞|Realms of Memory:郭浩忠、劉家俊、劉衛 (2-2:30pm | Optional) 

歷史沙龍舉行前將備有「Realms of Memory」的廣東話展覽導賞。展覽位於英國皇家攝影學會(Royal Photographic Society)二樓,為布里斯托攝影節的節目之一,邀請藝術家重新詮釋與香港相關的歷史檔案,包括來自布里斯托大學的中國歷史相片計劃及香港大學圖書館的Frank Fischbeck珍藏集。 



【History Salon】 Overseas Chinese Merchants: Aw Boon Haw and the Tiger Balm Mansion
Kelvin Chan x Billy H.C. Kwok

Date: 26 October 2024
Time: 2:30 – 4:30pm (UKT)  
Venue: Auditorium, Royal Photographic Society, 337 Paintworks, Bristol, BS4 3AR
Language: Cantonese 


- In-person only.
- Please register on Ticketpass. A small amount of Hong Kong-style refreshments will be provided. 


Hong Kong has been a crucial site for connecting overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia with China. This History Salon focuses on the story of Aw Boon Haw, the founder of Tiger Balm and Singdao Daily. He began his medical business in Singapore and shifted the headquarter to Hong Kong in the 1930s. He became one of the most successful overseas Chinese merchants by investing in philanthropy, architecture, and media. So, why did he come to Hong Kong? How did overseas investment shape the history of Hong Kong and modern China? Kelvin Chan will discuss the patterns of Chinese migration, explore the connections between China, Hong Kong, and Southeast Asia, and highlight the lasting legacies of Aw through the Tiger-Balm Mansion. In addition, photographer Billy H.C. Kwok will share the ways he employs AI generation software to contest the memories and imaginations of the Tiger Balm Mansion, and how the derivative memories from these AI-generated images traverse between reality and illusion. 


【Additional Tour】 

Pre-Salon Exhibition Guided Tour | Realms of Memory: Billy H.C. Kwok, Jay Lau, Lau Wai (2-2:30pm | Optional) 

Join the Cantonese tour of “Realms of Memory”, an exhibition on view at the Royal Photographic Society which is part of this year’s Bristol Photo Festival. “Realms of Memory” invites artistic re-interpretations of historical photo archives surrounding Hong Kong, including the Historical Photographs of China project (University of Bristol), as well as the Frank Fischbeck Archive (University of Hong Kong Libraries Special Collections). 

The tour will be led by WMA, a Hong Kong-based art organisation. WMA is the programme partner of this Hong Kong History Salon, as well as a cultural partner of the Bristol Photo Festival 2024.   

日期:2024年9月28日 (星期六 
地點:布里斯托大學 | Arts Complex, 7 Woodland Road, University of Bristol, BS8 1TB  






彭得豐博士,香港史研究中心博士後研究員,研究範圍包括香港史、海外華人史及東南亞史。其劍橋大學博士論文研究香港、馬來西亞及新加坡二十世紀下半葉的華人歷史教育。著作見於《Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History》、《Historical Journal》及《粵語流行曲七十年》(合著)。 


【History Salon】 Cantopop in Hong Kong and beyond 

Date: 28 September 2024 
Time: 2:30 – 4:30pm (UKT)   
Venue: Research Space (1.H020), Arts Complex, University of Bristol   
Language: Cantonese 


Additional Information:  
- In-person only. 
- Please register on Ticketpass. A small amount of Hong Kong-style refreshments will be provided. 

Hong Kong’s pop music scene has recently ‘ignited’ the interest of its audience. Some believe that Hong Kong’s music scene has ‘died’, while others hope to bring Cantopop beyond the city. Hong Kong’s popular music has resounded all over the world, but this is not unique to the present day. Cantonese film songs of the 1950s-60s, the ‘golden age’ of composer Joseph Koo and lyricist James Wong of the 1970s-80s, the ‘Four Heavenly Kings’ of the 1990s and so on have all enabled Hong Kong’s popular music to go beyond borders and touch Chinese communities overseas. This History Salon will invite our audience to partake in the historical stage, revisit emotions embedded in Cantopop, and investigate how the songs presented different facades of Hong Kong to Chinese communities around the world. 


Dr Allan Pang is a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Hong Kong History Centre, University of Bristol. His research interests include the history of Hong Kong, Chinese overseas, and Southeast Asia. His PhD dissertation at the University of Cambridge examines Chinese history education in Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Singapore in the second half of the twentieth century. His works have appeared in the Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, the Historical Journal, and Seventy Years of Cantopop (edited volume in Chinese). 


More upcoming events details will be announced, please come back and check form time to time.

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