Annual Conference of Academy of Hong Kong Studies

Our Research Director, Prof. Ray Yep, attended the Annual Conference of Academy of Hong Kong Studies in Education University of Hong Kong last week (6-8 March 2024). A great opportunity to introduce the development of the Centre to friends in Hong Kong and mainland China. A very engaging dialogue on the state of Hong Kong studies with Prof. Lui Tai Lok, Director of the Academy as well.

And we were on tour in Japan last week!

And we were on tour in Japan last week!

On Tuesday our Co-directors Robert Bickers & Vivian Kong were at a roundtable at Kyoto University, introducing the Centre and some of its major research outputs. On Thursday & Friday, the team moved to Tokyo and presented on their individual research at the Hong Kong History Symposium at Rikkyo University. It was a fruitful week, and we thank our hosts in Kyoto and Tokyo for giving us the opportunity to showcase our work and exchange with other Hong Kong Studies colleagues in Japan.

Digital Humanities Approaches to Navigating the Early Colonial Hong Kong History

香港浸會大學圖書館的Eric H. C. Chow和我們香港史研究中心的Ryan Iu整理並介紹了有助探索早期殖民地香港歷史這段豐富時期的數碼平台。


Digital Humanities Approaches to Navigating the Early Colonial Hong Kong History

(Scroll down for English version)





The Hong Kong Government Reports Online(1842-1941) | (Earlier Version)

Hong Kong Government Reports Online(1842-1941) | (Later Version)

Colonial Office correspondence collection (CO 129) | (Subscription Required)

Old Hong Kong Newspapers Collection

Hong Kong Historic Maps

Hong Kong Historical GIS (1900 to 1933)


Networks in Early Colonial Hong Kong

Mapping Sino-Foreign Networks and Mobility in Nineteenth Century China


Eric H. C. Chow from Hong Kong Baptist University Library and our Hong Kong History Centre’s Ryan Iu have compiled and introduced useful digital platforms for navigating the rich period of early colonial Hong Kong History.

If you are interested in this period of Hong Kong History, or studying and researching related topics, you may find this piece inspiring.

Digital Humanities Approaches to Navigating the Early Colonial Hong Kong History



//In recent years, the study of early colonial Hong Kong has begun to actively engage in the development of digital humanities projects encompassing various historical topics. Scholars, particularly historians specializing in the history of early colonial Hong Kong, have harnessed the power of computational tools and online databases to make significant contributions to digital scholarships, enhancing research, teaching, and even simply visual representation. These efforts also seek to improve observations and generate new empirical evidence while also attempting to transfer information from the scholarly to the public historical domain. In this short post, we aim to provide an introductory overview of digital humanities tools, databases, and projects related to the history of early colonial Hong Kong (spanning from the establishment of British Hong Kong to its occupation by Japan during the Second World War). This overview is intended to serve as a resource guide for beginners who are interested in this field. These projects will be categorized into three main groups: textual databases for distant reading, Geographical Information System (GIS), and social network studies.//

Below are the introduced projects (detailed introduction please read in the link above):
【Textual Databases for Distant Reading】
The Hong Kong Government Reports Online(1842-1941) | (Earlier Version)

Hong Kong Government Reports Online(1842-1941) | (Later Version)

Colonial Office correspondence collection (CO 129) | (Subscription Required)

Old Hong Kong Newspapers Collection

【Geographical Information System】
Hong Kong Historic Maps

Hong Kong Historical GIS (1900 to 1933)

The Battle of Hong Kong 1941: a Spatial History Project

【Social Network Study】
Networks in Early Colonial Hong Kong

Mapping Sino-Foreign Networks and Mobility in Nineteenth Century China

“Hong Kong Documented” / 《香港史. 記》

Hong Kong Documented / 《香港史. 記》

“Hong Kong Documented”, a 10-episode series co-produced by Hong Kong History Centre and Society for Hong Kong Studies, showcases the works of experts and scholars of Hong Kong history studies. These committed history lovers adopt different approaches in preserving and promoting the knowledge of local history, with their fascinating works covering a wide range of issues: fashion, military, economy, identity, heritage building and Hong Kong representation in Britain etc. Together, they uncover the resilience of the city and enrich our understanding of our past.

All 10 episodes are released, you can watch the video on our Centre’s YouTube Channel Playlist.

《香港史. 記》訪問系列,由香港史研究中心與香港學會聯合製作。一連十集的專輯,尋訪十位熱愛香港歷史的專家學者,介紹他們如何以不同形式和手法去探討各種課題目。他們的研究興趣廣泛,包括時裝、經濟、防務、身份認同、文物保育以至香港在英國的形象等。這些共同努力成果,呈現出香港這個城市的韌力,也大大提高我們對本地歷史的認識。

十集已經全部播出,你可以到我們中心的YouTube Channel Playlist觀看影片。

【Episode 1 / 第一集】

We talk to Dr. Vivian Kong, Co-Director of Hong Kong History Centre. She shares with us her career trajectory and her latest work on the multifaceted nature of the Hong Kong-UK bonding.


【Episode 2 / 第二集】

What is digital history? What is the role of Hong Kongers in the Battle of Hong Kong in 1941? Why does Chi Man fall in love with military history?

Dr. Kwong Chi Man, Hong Kong Baptist University, shares with us his passion about military and social history of Hong Kong and his new projects.



【Episode 3 / 第三集】

When did western suits become popular in Hong Kong? What are the historical and social implications behind this change of dress code? Dr. Katon Lee of Hong Kong Baptist University will share with us his insights on these issues in this new episode.


【Episode 4 / 第四集】

Have you heard about Tai Ping Theatre in Western District? It was in fact a landmark building in Hong Kong movie business, and also a major venue for Cantonese traditional opera performance for artists in Hong Kong and Guangdong. In this episode, we will talk to Prof. Ching May Bo of City University of Hong Kong about her latest works on the history of Tai Ping Theatre.


【Episode 5 / 第五集】

There has been growing interest in promotion of study of local history and heritage conservation in civil society in recent years. We will talk to three activists in coming episodes. Let’s start with David Bellis, who has been running, a webpage of old Hong Kong photos for more than a decade.

學院以外,公民社會中有不少朋友以不同的方式去推動歷史教育以至保育工作。一連三集,我們會與大家分享三位民間高手的故事。率先登場的,是長期經營歷史圖片網頁Gwulo.com的 David Bellis(貝大衞)。

【Episode 6 / 第六集】

Art is an ideal form to document and reflect on the emotion and experience of people living through historical moments. In this episode, we will talk to Wu Hoi Fai, founder of One Pant Theatre Company. The Company has been very enthusiastic in producing drama on topics of Hong Kong history like 1967 and the transition.


【Episode 7 / 第七集】

Paul Chan of Walk-in-Hong Kong has been very active in conservation movement in Hong Kong. Through walking tours, petition and film making, he has been making huge contribution to the preservation of our collective past. In this episode, he will share with us his strategies and thinkings behind all these initiatives.


【Episode 8 / 第八集】

Can you imagine what kind of Hong Kong story was told a hundred years ago? Based on his research on Hong Kong’s participation in London’s British Empire Exhibitions in 1924 and 1925, Dr. Gary Wong of University of Leeds revisits the representations of Hong Kong in global scene in the inter-war years.

一百年前的香港故事,究竟是一個怎樣的故事?今集請來列斯大學的黃培烽博士,與我們分享他對1924-25 年期間在倫敦舉行的大英帝國博覽會(《英京賽會》)香港參展部份的研究,為我們揭示當年的香港形象。

【Episode 9 / 第九集】

There were undeniably injustices under colonial rule before 1997. However, was the relationship between London and Hong Kong purely an exploitative one? In this episode, Prof. David Clayton of University of York will share with us his nuanced analysis of the multifaceted relationship between the British colonizers and colonial Hong Kong.

九七前的殖民管治固然存在很多不公義,但香港與英國的關係,又是否可以簡單地視之為一種剝削關係?今集請來約克大學長期研究香港經濟史的Prof. David Clayton,為我們剖析箇中的複雜性。

【Episode 10 / 第十集】

Hong Kong History Centre was founded in University of Bristol in 2022. What does the Centre want to achieve? What is its main focus? Prof. Robert Bickers, Co-Director of the Centre will share with us his visions in the last episode of the series.

布里斯托大學於2022年成立了香港史研究中心。中心有甚麼鴻圖大計? 有甚麼重點發展方向?在這個系列的最後一集,請來中心聯合總監畢可思教授,和我們分享他的構想。

Hong Kong History Centre on tour in Japan!

Hong Kong History Centre on tour in Japan!

In the first of two events in Japan in February, Robert Bickers and Vivian Kong will be meeting scholars at the Jinbunken, Kyoto University, to introduce the HKHC and their work.


本年1~3月に人文研に客員教授として赴任され、いただいたブリストル大学のRobert Bickers先生と先生の同僚のVivian Kong氏を囲んで以下のようにラウンドテーブルを開催することになりました。

日時:2月20日 15時~17時
ブリストル大学のHong Kong History Centre(香港史研究中心)の紹介
Vivian Kong氏の新著、Multiracial Britishness: Global Networks in Hong Kong, 1910–45の紹介。



In this roundtable the co-directors of the Hong Kong History Centre 香港史研究中心 (HKHC), established at the University of Bristol in September 2022, will provide an introduction to the initiative and its work.

Professor Robert Bickers will first introduce the rationale for the development of the Centre, and present its team, its aims and ambitions.

In a talk on ‘Multiracial Britishness in 1910-45 Hong Kong’, Dr Vivian Kong will introduce her newly published book.

We hope to engage scholars internationally in the work of the HKHC, and would welcome feedback and suggestions from colleagues.
